Springdale, UT - Gateway to Zion National Park

Jul 21st 2024

Springdale, UT - Gateway to Zion National Park

Springdale is such a charming little village nestled in the most breathtaking canyon. Driving in from the west you slowly follow the Virgin River upstream past La Verkin, Virgin, and Rockville with the peaks of Zion teasing you in the distance. The entire drive is a delight. As the rock walls slowly loom up before you, you enter the quiet town of Springdale.

As the overnight accommodation options have double in recent years, the town has done well to maintain its allure. Hiking attire is the local uniform and for good reason. It's the main entrance to Zion National Park – a hiker's delight. Easy trails parallel the river cutting straight up the narrow canyon. Medium level trails gain a little elevation and instant view transformation - like Emerald Pools that allow you to discover mid canyon. And, of course, strenuous hikes going very vertical, like the epic Angel's Landing. 

Whether one enjoyed multiple short hikes, a long climb to and/or along the rim, or even a wet one like the stunning Narrows at the end of the canyon, a memorable day is what Zion offers. Luckily, when the sun is setting and the feet need a rest, Springdale is there to welcome you. A bounty of gratifying dishes can be found in Springdale's growing restaurant collection. Kick back, enjoy the gentle sounds of nature and watch the sun change the colors on the rock faces by the minute.

Springdale will be there for you in the morning. Grab a pre-hike egg burrito, latte, maybe a full-brimmed hat if you learned the hard way the day prior, and explore some more. Humvee tours, river tubing, art browsing – there's more than just world-class hiking to be found. Springdale, UT ... 84767.